Tuesday, July 13, 2010


The developing countries today are aggressively expanding their fuel consumtion oil consumption mass production of goods that consume electricity and cause pollution as per capita income rises what they dont understand is that their is o point in going in that direction b'coz its a dead end
Resources are limited and oil will run out
so the countries with most oil dependencies will suffer the most
but today the its a belief that if u wanna come up ahead you must excel in all the feilds that exist even if they are scarce

Ok suppose all the developing countries do get to that level of consumerisum suppose every country in the world is developed then what
by the time this happens none will be left for any body to consume or produces
The best way is not to go in that direction at all
Dont increase oil consumption, dont incease production cause it is going to slow down and eventually end as the oil prices rise and oil perishes
If you want to be developed increase the research on non oil sectors like solar electricity biofuels bio diesel and other enviourment friendly areas because if yo want to exist you have to be in line with the nature and not against it
These things have got future thats the new idea of being a developed country
The whole idea of a developed civilization has to change
The developed country is not the one who has the major hold over cars that run on petrol or production that causes pollution it has to be the one which has the least dependency on oil and is totally enviourment friendly the one which produces solar electicity, harnesses wind energy and water energy who progresses in research and development on enviourment friendly sectors


Pretty Good Insight

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